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Take telephone surveys and get paid up to $120 per hour.
Preview new movie trailers and get paid anywhere from $10 to $25 per hour.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
paidsurveysetc $69
Bonus #1: Get Paid to do things you already do everyday:
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Get Paid to Eat at your Favorite Resturants
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Bonus #2: How to Make Money with Informational Products:
This is one of the easiest methods to put into action. You can get started today and you don't need any prior experience. I have outlined in great detail all of the steps you need to take put this automated cash machine to work for you.
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Spiders?... Metrix?... So, what do you people do?
In a nutshell, we run Surveys.
Our Clients need to know what you think about their product or service or website - do people like it? do they find it useful? is it priced right? does it perform as you would have expected?
We get the answers to all these kinds of questions.
We recruit testers (we call them 'Spiders'), prepare a set of evaluation questions (a 'Rating'), organise for the testing to be done, thank our Spiders for their efforts (by giving them 'Rewards'), and can provide our Clients with a clear and precise ViewPoint. In industry jargon, this is called Qualitative Research.
In the last 12 months… our members participated in 97 studies, including video players, video games, tv programs and new release movies, gloves, glasses and contact lenses, chocolate, coffee and liquid soaps, searching, buying and selling, computers, scanners, printers and the software we use, what we drink, what we drive, and what we do in our private time… 102,839 paid participations!
Oh, and did we mention we pay handsomely?! That's right, you'll earn $$$, not cents. We will pay you somewhere between $2 and $5 for most ratings, some even go up to $10 or more (depending how time consuming they are).
Why don't you join us? ...find out aboutbecoming a Spider.
Spiders?... Metrix?... So, what do you people do?
In a nutshell, we run Surveys.
Our Clients need to know what you think about their product or service or website - do people like it? do they find it useful? is it priced right? does it perform as you would have expected?
We get the answers to all these kinds of questions.
We recruit testers (we call them 'Spiders'), prepare a set of evaluation questions (a 'Rating'), organise for the testing to be done, thank our Spiders for their efforts (by giving them 'Rewards'), and can provide our Clients with a clear and precise ViewPoint. In industry jargon, this is called Qualitative Research.
In the last 12 months… our members participated in 97 studies, including video players, video games, tv programs and new release movies, gloves, glasses and contact lenses, chocolate, coffee and liquid soaps, searching, buying and selling, computers, scanners, printers and the software we use, what we drink, what we drive, and what we do in our private time… 102,839 paid participations!
Oh, and did we mention we pay handsomely?! That's right, you'll earn $$$, not cents. We will pay you somewhere between $2 and $5 for most ratings, some even go up to $10 or more (depending how time consuming they are).
Why don't you join us? ...find out aboutbecoming a Spider.
Friday, March 30, 2007
SmileCity New Zealand's
SmileCity is New Zealand's #1 Online Rewards Programme, with over 125,000 members to date!Become a member and earn hundreds of points when you shop online with over 100 reward partners, respond to exclusive email offers from leading brands, or participate in online surveys.You can then redeem your points for a personal cheque, or bid in auctions, or donate to charity.
Mysurveyasia Korea
mySurveyASIA의 리서치 패널이란 시장조사연구에 참여하여 상품, 서비스 그리고 그 외 다양한 주제에 대한 소비자의 생각을 공유하는 온라인 커뮤니티 공간입니다. 왜 mySurveyASIA 리서치 패널에 가입해야 하는가?
여러분의 귀중한 의견이 신제품을 만듭니다.
지루하지않은 재미있고 흥미로운 설문조사입니다.
OK 캐쉬백, 문화상품권, 휴대폰통화상품권 등으로 전환할 수 있는 패널 포인트를 적립해 드립니다.http://www.mysurveyasia.co.kr
EmailCash Taiwan
EmailCash Australia
You can join EmailCash for FREE! You'll be rewarded for reading email and filling out online surveys, for shopping, for playing games and much more! Redeem your rewards for a cheque or prizes, or donate to charity.
mySurveyASIA Singapore
The mySurveyASIA Research Panel is an online community of Singapore residents, participating in market research studies and sharing their thoughts on products, services and a wide range of topics.
Why Join the mySurveyASIA Research Panel?
Your opinions shape new products!
Surveys are fun and interesting
You earn valuable Reward Points for taking surveys
Points convert to great prizes and gifts, including shopping vouchers from a wide variety of stores.
Why Join the mySurveyASIA Research Panel?
Your opinions shape new products!
Surveys are fun and interesting
You earn valuable Reward Points for taking surveys
Points convert to great prizes and gifts, including shopping vouchers from a wide variety of stores.
mySurveyASIA Japan
The mySurveyASIA Japan Research Panel is an online community of Japanese residents participating in market research studies and sharing their thoughts on products, services and a wide range of topics.
mySurveyASIA Hong Kong
mySurveyASIA 的專題討論調查是香港市民的一個網上社區,他們可透過這裡參與市場研究調查以及分享對不同產品、服務和不同的話題發表意見。
The mySurveyASIA Research Panel is an online community of Hong Kong residents, participating in market research studies and sharing their thoughts on products, services and a wide range of topics.
Hong Kong Only
Why Join the mySurveyASIA Research Panel?
Your opinions shape new products!
Surveys are fun and interesting
You earn valuable Reward Points for taking surveys
Points convert to great prizes and gifts, including shopping vouchers from a wide variety of stores.
Mysurveyasia China
The mySurveyASIA Research Panel is an online community of China residents, participating in market research studies and sharing their thoughts on products, services and a wide range of topics.
American Consumer Opinion®
American Consumer Opinion® is eigendom van en wordt beheerd door Decision Analyst, Inc., een groot internationaal bedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in marktonderzoek en gevestigd in Dallas, Fort Worth in de Verenigde Staten. American Consumer Opinion® bestaat uit consumenten van over de hele wereld die hebben toegezegd om deel te nemen aan enquêtes via Internet. Af en toe wordt aan deze consumenten ook gevraagd om deel te nemen aan schriftelijke of telefonische enquêtes, maar meestal gaan de enquêtes via het Internet.
Het Lidmaatschap Is Gratis
* Het lidmaatschap bij American Consumer Opinion® is gratis. U hoeft nooit iets te betalen om lid te worden. Uw deelname aan onze enquêtes is de enige "prijs" die wij van u vragen in ruil voor het lidmaatschap.
* Als panellid kan u deelnemen aan diverse enquêtes per jaar. Gemiddeld zal een enquête zo'n 10 minuten van uw tijd vragen om ze in te vullen, want de gestelde vragen zijn meestal vrij makkelijk.
* De panelleden mogen zich zo ongeveer om de zes weken aan een "screener" (een korte vragenlijst) verwachten.
Win Geld En/Of Geschenken
* Alle geregistreerde leden nemen automatisch deel aan een maandelijkse trekking waarin geldprijzen te winnen zijn ter waarde van zo'n $250, en dit enkel en alleen omdat ze lid zijn.
* Indien u een screener (een korte vragenlijst) invult wordt u ingeschreven in een trekking waarmee geldprijzen te winnen zijn.*
* Neemt u deel aan een enquête (een langere vragenlijst), dan ontvangt u steeds één of andere beloning (een gratis testproduct, geld, een cheque of een geschenk).
* Deze beloningen variëren meestal in waarde van $10 tot $50, per enquête, naargelang de lengte van de vragenlijst en de benodigde tijd voor het invullen. Voor een extralange enquête kan de premie zelfs $50 of meer bedragen. Deelnemers aan on line vakgroepen ontvangen meestal meer dan $50.
American Consumer Opinion®
American Consumer Opinion®
American Consumer Opinion® es propiedad de y está operado por Decision Analyst, Inc., una firma internacional líder en investigación de mercadeo con sede central en la zona de Dallas-Fort Worth en los Estados Unidos de América. American Consumer Opinion® está formada por consumidores de todo el mundo que acordaron participar en encuestas por internet. En forma ocasional, estos consumidores son invitados a participar en encuestas por correo o por teléfono, pero generalmente, todas las encuestas se llevan a cabo por internet.
Ser miembro es gratis
* Ser miembro de American Consumer Opinion® es gratis. Nunca tendrás que pagar nada para ser miembro. Tu participación en nuestras encuestas es el único "costo" de tu membresía.
* Como miembro del panel, habitualmente participarás en varias encuestas por año. Una encuesta promedio se contesta generalmente en solo 10 minutos, y las preguntas suelen ser muy fáciles de responder.
* Los miembros del panel recibirán un cuestionario nivelador (un cuestionario breve) aproximadamente cada seis semanas.
Puedes ganar efectivo y regalos
* Todos los miembros registrados participan en un sorteo mensual por U$S250 de premios en efectivo, solo por el hecho de ser miembros.
* Si contestas una cuestionario nivelador (un cuestionario breve), entrarás en un sorteo de premios en efectivo.*
* Si participas en un sondeo (un cuestionario extenso), siempre recibirás algún tipo de incentivo (un producto gratis para probar, dinero en efectivo, un cheque o un regalo).
* Los incentivos generalmente tienen un valor de entre U$S10 y U$S50 por sondeo, dependiendo de la extensión del cuestionario y del tiempo que insuma contestarlo. Si hay un sondeo que sea excepcionalmente largo, el premio puede ser de U$S50 o más. Los participantes de grupos de foco online generalmente reciben más de U$S50.
American Consumer Opinion®
American Consumer Opinion® gehört und wird betrieben von Decision Analyst, Inc., einer großen internationalen Marktforschungsfirma mit Sitz in den Vereinigten Staaten im Großraum Dallas-Fort Worth. American Consumer Opinion® besteht aus Verbrauchern der ganzen Welt, die sich zur Teilnahme an Untersuchungen über das Internet bereit erklärt haben. Gelegentlich werden diese Verbraucher gebeten an einer schriftlichen Umfrage per Post oder an Telefonbefragungen teilzunehmen, prinzipiell aber werden die Untersuchungen über das Internet ausgeführt.Melden Sie sich noch heute an!
Mitgliedschaft ist kostenlos
* Die Mitgliedschaft bei American Consumer Opinion® ist kostenlos. Sie müssen für Ihre Mitgliedschaft kein Geld bezahlen. Ihre Teilnahme an unseren Umfragen sind die eigentlichen „Kosten" für die Mitgliedschaft.
* Als Mitglied werden Sie gewöhnlich an mehreren Umfragen pro Jahr teilnehmen. Eine durchschnittliche Umfrage ist innerhalb von etwa 10 Minuten ausgefüllt und die Fragen sind gewöhnlich leicht zu beantworten.
* Mitglieder können erwarten, dass sie etwa aller sechs Wochen einen Kurzfragebogen zur eventuellen Auswahl als Umfrageteilnehmer bekommen.
Sie können Bargeld und/oder Geschenke gewinnen
* Alle eingetragenen Mitglieder nehmen an einer monatlichen Ziehung teil, bei der sie Bargeldpreise im Wert von 250 US$ gewinnen können – nur für die Mitgliedschaft.
* Wenn Sie einen Kurzfragebogen ausfüllen, nehmen Sie an einer Ziehung für Bargeldpreise teil.
* Wenn Sie an einer Umfrage teilnehmen (längerer Fragebogen) erhalten Sie immer eine Art Anreiz (ein kostenloses Testprodukt, Bargeld, einen Scheck oder ein Geschenk).
* Der Wert dieser Anreize liegt normalerweise zwischen 10 US$ und 50 US$ pro Umfrage, je nach Länge des Fragebogens und der zum Ausfüllen erforderlichen Zeit. Wenn eine Umfrage besonders lang ist, kann der Preis auch 50 US$ oder mehr betragen. Teilnehmer an Online-Fokusgruppen erhalten generell mehr als 50 US$.
L’American Consumer Opinion®
L’American Consumer Opinion® est la propriété de la Decision Analyst Inc., et est protégé par les droits d’auteurs, marque, brevet et tout autre droit de propriété intellectuelle ou industrielle qui lui est reconnu selon les lois en vigueur. Le site de l’American Consumer Opinion® est exploité par Decision Analyst, Inc., qui est une grande compagnie internationale d’études de marché et de conseil en marketing basée dans les environs de Dallas-Fort Worth aux Etats-Unis. L’American Consumer Opinion® est constituée de consommateurs, répartis dans le monde entier, qui ont accepté de participer à des sondages sur Internet. Ces consommateurs sont invités de temps en temps à participer à des sondages expédiés par courrier ou effectués par téléphone mais, en règle générale, les études sont toutes menées via Internet. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd'hui !
L’inscription est gratuite
* L’inscription à l’American Consumer Opinion® est gratuite. Vous n’aurez jamais à payer quoi que ce soit pour devenir membre. Participer au sondage sera la seule chose que l’on vous demandera.
* En tant que membre du panel, vous serez amenés, en général, à participer à plusieurs sondages au cours de l’année. Un questionnaire prend 10 minutes en moyenne et les questions sont généralement faciles.
* Les membres du panel peuvent s’attendre à recevoir un "screener" (un très court questionnaire) à peu prés toutes les six semaines.
Vous pouvez gagner de l’argent et/ou des cadeaux
* Tous les membres, parce qu’ils sont inscrits au panel, participent à un tirage au sort mensuel pour gagner 250 dollars USD en prix divers.
* Si vous répondez à un "screener" (un très court questionnaire), votre nom sera entré dans une liste tirée au sort pour gagner des prix divers.
* Si vous participez à un sondage (un plus long questionnaire), vous recevrez toujours une récompense (un produit gratuit à tester, de l’argent, un chèque ou un cadeau).
* Ces récompenses ont une valeur de 10 dollars USD à 50 dollars USD par sondage. Elles dépendent de la longueur du questionnaire et du temps nécessaire pour le compléter. Si le sondage est extrêmement long, la récompense pourrait atteindre 50 dollars USD ou plus. Les personnes qui participent aux réunions de groupes en ligne perçoivent généralement plus de 50 dollars USD.
L’inscription est gratuite
L’American Consumer Opinion®
L’American Consumer Opinion® appartiene ed è gestita dalla Decision Analyst, Inc., una delle più importanti società internazionali di marketing, la cui sede si trova nell’agglomerato urbano di Dallas–Fort Worth, negli Stati Uniti. L’American Consumer Opinion® è costituita da consumatori di tutte le parti del mondo che hanno accettato di partecipare a sondaggi via Internet. Occasionalmente, a questi consumatori è chiesto di partecipare a sondaggi postali o telefonici, ma nella maggior parte dei casi i sondaggi sono condotti tutti via Internet.
L’iscrizione è gratuita
* L’iscrizione all’American Consumer Opinion® è gratuita. Non sarà mai richiesta alcuna somma di denaro per diventare membri. L’unico "costo" dell’iscrizione sarà la tua partecipazione ai nostri sondaggi.
* In qualità di membro del panel, parteciperai, in maniera generale, a diversi sondaggi all’anno. Per completare un sondaggio medio, ti ci vorranno circa una decina di minuti. La risposta alle domande, inoltre, è di solito un’operazione facile.
* I membri potranno ricevere un questionario di valutazione breve (screener) ogni sei mesi circa.
Puoi vincere premi in contanti e/o regali
* Tutti i membri registrati, solo per il fatto di esserlo, partecipano ad un sorteggio mensile che mette in palio premi in contanti da 250 dollari.
* Se risponderai al questionario breve (screener), parteciperai al sorteggio per i premi in contanti.*
* Se parteciperai ad un sondaggio (questionario più lungo), riceverai sempre qualche ricompensa (un prodotto gratis da provare, contanti, un assegno o un regalo).
* Le ricompense di norma vanno dai 10 ai 50 dollari per sondaggio, a seconda della lunghezza del questionario stesso e del tempo necessario a riempirlo. Nel caso di sondaggi particolarmente lunghi, il premio potrebbe consistere in 50 dollari o di più. I partecipanti ai gruppi di discussione online ricevono generalmente più di 50 dollari.
L’American Consumer Opinion®
American Consumer Opinion®
American Consumer Opinion® is owned and operated by Decision Analyst, Inc., a major international marketing research firm headquartered in the Dallas-Fort Worth area in the United States. American Consumer Opinion® is made up of consumers worldwide who have agreed to participate in our paid opinion survey panel. Join today!
Membership Is Free
Membership in American Consumer Opinion® is free. You will never have to pay any money to be a member. Your participation in our surveys is the only "cost" of membership.
As a panel member, you will participate in several surveys a year, typically. The average survey will take 10 minutes or so to complete, and the questions are usually easy to answer.
Panel members can expect to receive a "screener" (a short questionnaire) every six weeks or so.
Make Money Taking Surveys
All registered members participate in a monthly drawing to win $250 in cash awards, just for being a member.
If you answer a screener (a short questionnaire), you will be entered into a drawing for cash awards.*
If you participate in a survey (a longer questionnaire), you will always receive some type of incentive (a free product to test, cash, a check, or a gift).
Incentives typically range in value from $4 to $50, per survey or focus group, depending upon the length of the questionnaire and the time it takes to complete it. Simply fill out surveys for money. Participants in online focus groups generally receive more than $25
Join today!
Membership Is Free
Membership in American Consumer Opinion® is free. You will never have to pay any money to be a member. Your participation in our surveys is the only "cost" of membership.
As a panel member, you will participate in several surveys a year, typically. The average survey will take 10 minutes or so to complete, and the questions are usually easy to answer.
Panel members can expect to receive a "screener" (a short questionnaire) every six weeks or so.
Make Money Taking Surveys
All registered members participate in a monthly drawing to win $250 in cash awards, just for being a member.
If you answer a screener (a short questionnaire), you will be entered into a drawing for cash awards.*
If you participate in a survey (a longer questionnaire), you will always receive some type of incentive (a free product to test, cash, a check, or a gift).
Incentives typically range in value from $4 to $50, per survey or focus group, depending upon the length of the questionnaire and the time it takes to complete it. Simply fill out surveys for money. Participants in online focus groups generally receive more than $25
Join today!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
E2Ma - enquêtes en sweepstakes!
organiseert een grote variëteit aan enquêtes en sweepstakes waarbij consumenten hun mening kunnen geven en kans maken op prijzen. Want, zijn of haar mening geven en daarvoor wat kunnen winnen doet iedereen graag!
Voor bijna ieder onderwerp bestaat er wel een actie.
wohnhaft in der BRD
E2Ma has a variety of on-line surveys where customers give their opinion and get the chance to win great prices! Everybody has an opinion, so why not earn something with it!
Almost every topic is available to win prices with. Make easy money with the E2Ma campaigns!
resident in the Netherlands
E2Ma- Online-Umfragen und Gewinnspiele!
E2Maorganisiert eine Vielfalt an Online-Umfragen und Gewinnspielen, bei denen Konsumenten ihre Meinung abgeben können und dabei die Chance auf tolle Preise haben. Jede(r) gibt schließlich gerne seine Meinung ab! Für nahezu jedes Thema gibt es eine Aktion.
wohnhaft in der BRD
E2Ma has a variety of on-line surveys, where consumers give their opinion and get the chance to win great prices! Everybody has an opinion, so why not earn something with it!
Almost every topic is available to win prices with. Make easy money with the E2Ma campaigns!
resident in German
Nielsen//NetRatings è una società leader nel campo dei media e delle ricerche di mercato e fa parte della Nielsen Media Research Family. Da oggi puoi iscriverti al panel Nielsen//NetRatings ed aiutarci a dare forma al futuro di Internet. Nelle pagine seguenti, ti chiederemo di rispondere ad una serie di domande su di te e sul tuo nucleo familiare; poi ti chiederemo di scaricare ed installare il programma Nielsen//NetRatings Online. Il software ci aiuta a capire come utilizzi Internet. A dimostrazione della nostra gratitudine, ti invieremo 5 euro, dopo che installerai il nostro programma e lo manterrai attivo per tre mesi. Inoltre, successivamente riceverai 5 euro ogni tre mesi per tutto il tempo in cui farai parte del nostro gruppo di ricerca, mantenendo attivo il nostro software sul tuo computer.
* indica i campi obbligatori.
Nielsen//NetRatings vuole la tua opinione. Unisciti adesso e guadagna 5 euro ogni tre mesi!
Join the Nielsen//NetRatings Research Panel and you could win $1,000! We're picking 50 lucky winners this quarter, and one could be you.
Nielsen//NetRatings es una compañía líder en medios en Internet y estudios de mercado. Puede unirse al panel Nielsen//NetRatings ahora y ayudar a dar forma al futuro de Internet. En las siguientes páginas, le pediremos que conteste a una serie de preguntas sobre usted y los miembros de su hogar. Después, le pediremos que descargue e instale el software Nielsen//NetRatings Online. Nuestro software nos ayuda a comprender cómo utiliza Internet. Como muestra de agradecimiento le enviaremos 5 Euros una vez que haya descargado nuestro software y haya permanecido activo durante al menos 3 meses. Además, recibirá 5 Euros por cada 3 meses que permanezca activo en nuestro panel de estudio.
Entre en el estudio de Nielsen//NetRatings sobre Internet y gane Euros por participar!
Join the Nielsen//NetRatings Research Panel and you could win $1,000! We're picking 50 lucky winners this quarter, and one could be you.
SurveysBox Thailand
SurveysBox ของเรา ย้ายมาจาก 2BeFun Survey ครับผม!
ก่อนอื่นก็ต้องขอขอบคุณทุกท่านที่ให้ความสนใจกับ SurveysBox ของผมนะครับ โดยเว็ปนี้ยังเป็นช่วงลองระบบ (จะดูว่ามีคนสนใจมาก-น้อยเพียงไร) นะครับ
Survey ? => ตามความหมายเลยครับ เป็นการทำแบบสำรวจนั่นเองครับ โดยโครงการของผมนี้จะมีค่าตอบแทนให้นะครับ แต่ว่าจะมากหรือน้อยอย่างไร ก็ขึ้นอยู่กับแบบสอบถามแต่ละอันครับ
หลายๆ ท่าน อาจเคยทำ survey กับเว็บต่างๆ นะครับ เช่น gozingsurvey, surveyclub เป็นต้น แต่โครงการของผมนี้ขอใช้ระบบ BBS (Board) ไปก่อนนะครับ
แบบสำรวจจะมามาก-น้อย ไม่เท่ากันนะครับ ขึ้นอยู่เป็นบางช่วง บางครั้งก็มาติดๆ กัน แต่บางครั้งก็ต้องเว้นระยะสักระยะถึงจะมีมา แต่ถ้ามีแบบสำรวจมาเมื่อใด ทางเราก็จะส่งข้อมูลไปให้ทางอีเมลืครับ
ผู้ที่สมัครสมาชิก กรุณายืนยันการสมัครสมาชิกของท่านด้วยนะครับ (คลิกลิงค์ที่เมล์ที่ท่านลงทะเบียน)
GlobalTestMarket Thailand
GlobalTestMarket เป็นชุมชนออนไลน์ที่ไม่มีใครเหมือน ที่ผู้บริโภคจากทั่วโลกมีส่วนร่วมในการพัฒนาผลิตภัณฑ์และบริการใหม่ๆ ที่ไม่เคยมีมาก่อน
สมาชิกได้ศึกษาและทดลองใช้ผลิตภัณฑ์และบริการใหม่ๆพร้อมทั้งได้รับคะแนนการตลาด - สกุลเงินออนไลน์ ซึ่งสามารถเปลี่ยนเป็นเงินสดได้
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
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